Luna, as a female cat, is a natural huntress. She much prefers to be served by the human she has enslaved. He does not seem to mind. Some kind of cat mojo is clearly at work.
Her preferences:
- Favorite Movie: Cat's Eye, a Stephen King compilation starring a cat
- Favorite Hangout: Couch
- Favorite Food: Either Tuna with Calamari or Sardine and Mackeral
- Favorite Dessert: Crunchy expensive kibble
- Favorite Sport: Spectator
- Favorite Color: I'm almost colorblind, you insensitive hairless ape!
- Favorite Website:
- Favorite Game: Swatting jigsaw puzzle pieces off the table
- Favorite Drink: Tuna tin water
- Favorite Season: Summer, for the birdwatching
- Favorite Cat: The one in the mirror
- Favorite Day of the week: Any day the
slavehuman stays home - Favorite Religion: Felinism, the one true religion
- Favorite Shampoo: None
- Favorite Scent: Tuna. Ham too. Chicken. Turkey. Meat, generally
- Favorite Bird: Sparrow, challenging to catch, easy to eat
- Favorite Emoji: 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻
- Favorite Hat: None
- Favorite Eye Color: Green
- Favorite Time of day: Nap time
- Favorte Type of Dog: Absent
- Favorite City: Istanbul, the world's most cat friendly city
- Favorite Store: One Spoiled Kitty
- Favorite Massage: Chin rub
- Favorite Sports Team: Hamilton Tiger-Cats
- Favorite Plant: Catnip
- Favorite Saying: Cats rule, dogs drool
- Favorite Stress Reliever: tearing apart paper
- Favorite bath soap: Do you want to get clawed?
- Favorite Book: A Street Cat Named Bob
- Favorite Youtube Channel: walter santi
- Favorite Statue: Towser at the Glenturret Distillery in Scotland. 28,899 kills!
- Favorite Place to Sleep: Everywhere!
- Favorite Museam: American Museum of the House Cat

After a long day of posing, nap time.